that was terrific!
it reminded me of Prey, where gravity switches depending on where you shoot. I loved the stage with the colourful blocks! wonderfully trippy, that was.
that was terrific!
it reminded me of Prey, where gravity switches depending on where you shoot. I loved the stage with the colourful blocks! wonderfully trippy, that was.
Prey was one of my main inspirations to give a gravity shifting engine a try ;)
too easy!
...among other suggestions. It gets kind of repetitive by the 20th day. The chainsaw is by far the best weapon. Shouldn't that be last?
and why can't there be bosses? or, like, ANYTHING to break up the monotony? While I appreciated the horde of military guys at the end, the game would be far better served by certain enemies that require more strategy to kill. Body armor isn't enough.
I hope someone from the game manages to read this, among the 1000s of reviews.
Joined on 4/30/03